The First Archangel Gabriel or Michael?


Question: Who is the First Archangel Gabriel or Michael?


As a speculative answer, I would say Lucifer!

He would have been involved in the “overthrow”; which is almost certainly shown in Gen. 1:1–2; and which has led to much confusion in many Christians as to the “IMO” misunderstanding of the creation of “Earth prior to the Sun” argument.

After Lucifer's fall and his name change to Satan (Adversary), Gabriel stands out in the Bible, so that is my choice, for the time span before the development of Israel.

When Israel (My first born son), came into prominence with Almighty God; then Michael stood to be named and appointed Israel’s guardian; and is called “the Archangel”; but he still did not attempt to overpower Satan directly, but through “the Lord Christ Jesus”; as it is in the gift of Jesus to complete “the Work of God” and hand it back to Him!!

So; it is seen in these Bible quotes that certain powers of God transferred to eventually Michael; which will not be fulfilled until after the Millennial Reign of the Godhead; and the focus then will be finally dealing with the “Mystery of Iniquity”!


Genesis and "Overthrow"! (Study)

Genesis 1:1, and 1:2 Questions (Study)

Genesis 1:1 Enigma (Study)



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